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Prison Divinity Program

Oklahoma Baptist University, Oklahoma Baptists and the Oklahoma Department of Corrections are partners in a historic endeavor in Oklahoma. OBU is offering a Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Studies to inmates in an Oklahoma prison. Upon completion of their degrees, these men will be sent as Field Ministers to other prisons across the state. This element of equipping and sending inmates to minister to fellow-inmates is a unique educational opportunity for those incarcerated.

Approximately 23,000 individuals are currently incarcerated in the state prison system. Oklahoma has the third-highest incarceration rate in the nation. We believe the ultimate means of prison reform lies in the power of God to transform lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

PDP Convocation Video

What makes the OBU Prison Divinity Program special?

The degree is a fully-accredited, 4-year Christian liberal arts degree, which includes an internship with the prison chaplain. All courses are taught face-to-face at the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center. Students have been carefully selected based upon their application materials and interviews and will progress through the degree program together.

Program Objectives

  • To facilitate change in the culture of the prison system with greater respect for authority as well as their fellow man.
  • To facilitate greater safety within each unit where Field Ministers are deployed and allowed to serve.
  • To provide a pathway to reduced recidivism of those who have been impacted by the service of the graduates.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like more information on this Gospel-centered, kingdom-minded program, please contact Dr. Bruce Perkins, Director of the Prison Divinity Program, at or 405.585.4435.

The program is funded entirely through the generous gifts of individuals, churches and organizations who share a passion and commitment to sharing the Gospel with this underserved population.

The cost to educate our students is approximately $280,000 per year for each cohort of 40 students.

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