Generation Why? 2025 Breakout Sessions
Why Words Aren’t Enough
Aaron Fullbright
Our behavior can easily be a barrier rather than a benefit when it comes to evangelism. In this breakout, Dr. Aaron Fullbright will discuss the effect one’s lifestyle has on his or her witness. He’ll discuss the importance of being all things to all people without sacrificing God’s command for holiness. He’ll also discuss how we stand firm in our convictions when the world demands our compromise.
The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
Bobby Kelly
Do the gospels accurately reflect history? Do they agree with each other on all points? In this talk, Dr. Kelley will help you navigate these questions.
Pastor Coffee Break: The Trinity and Christian Ministry
Brandon Smith
This session is designed for youth pastors to understand the importance of theology in their ministries, with special attention to the doctrine of the Trinity.
Effective Evangelism Through Apologetics
Brian Baldwin
This breakout will explore how to make a real impact in the lives of unsaved people by focusing on meaningful connections rather than winning debates. Participants will learn the importance of listening with empathy, respecting beliefs of others, and skillfully sharing the Gospel in a way that resonates. Join us to discover how apologetics can be a powerful tool for reaching hearts and minds with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Divine Patterns: Discovering God in the Language of Math
Cherith Tucker
We will explore the fascinating connection between faith and math by diving into concepts like infinity and higher dimensions, uncovering how these ideas can help us grasp the greatness of a God who is beyond understanding. Through the beauty of mathematics, you’ll discover new ways to visualize the divine nature.
Evangelism in a Postmodern Age
David Gambo
To share their faith with others, Christians need to understand both what people care about today and how God is working in their lives. It's important to be sensitive to people's questions and values, but also to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance. Those who can listen to God's direction and care deeply about the world will be better at connecting with people in today's culture.
Assumptions in Science and Christianity
John R. Gilhooly
In this talk, Dr. Gilhooly will discuss the role assumptions play in our understanding of the world and how we try to understand it. Come to learn about where our beliefs come from and how we can double-check them.
God’s Mission and My Life
Justin Schell
I know God has a mission, but what does it have to do with me? Does his purpose for the world connect with my life purpose? In this talk, we'll look at God's Word - from Genesis to Revelation - to understand as clearly as possible what God is doing in the world and how it connects with our lives, whether we live in Shawnee or Sri Lanka.
Heart and Song: How What We Sing Shapes Our Heart
Matt Roberson
There is so much material out there for worship leaders to choose from when planning a worship service. How do you decide what you use and what you don’t? We’ll take some time to dive into the lyrics of our worship songs and help develop some philosophy behind how to choose wisely!
Engaging Contemporary Culture
Micah Lynn
How can we engage the culture of today through apologetics? In this talk, students will learn how to use the Bible to engage a lost and broken culture by “sharing the truth in love” as we are instructed in Scripture.
A Rooted Faith: Finding Confidence in a Confused World
Paul Sanchez
Find your Christians roots. As a Christian, you belong to a big story and we'll reflect on the epic of Christianity, across time and space, to help you live a more rooted faith today. As a Christian, you are also part of a big family right now, a truly global family, made of believers from across the world, who live out their faith in a variety of contexts. Find encouragement from your family tree and family story for a more rooted Christian life.
Practicing the impractical: Theology, contemplation, and the Christian life
Rafael Bello
The Christian life is full of practical concerns (how to love neighbor, how to be honest, how to be righteous, etc.). However, to practice something we need a goal. In this lecture I will establish that without stopping to contemplate something that is not immediately practical (the Triune God!) our practical endeavors will fall flat and lead to insecurity in the Christian walk.
Come Let Us Reason: Apologetics and Logical Thinking
Randy Ridenour
Why is it so hard for people to accept truth even when presented with overwhelming evidence? Effective apologetics requires us to understand good reasoning, bad reasoning, and how to overcome the psychological barriers that people construct to protect their own beliefs.
The Argument from Beauty to God
Paul Gould
Is beauty a human creation or does it reflect something deeper? In this talk, Dr. Gould will argue that beauty actually points to the existence of a beautiful God.
The Truth Is: Getting Your Head and Heart Straight So You Don’t Undermine the Mission
Todd Sanders
Don’t let pride or personal agenda get in the way of your calling as a minister of reconciliation. Come learn how to define the win in apologetics discussions, maintain your focus, and leave room for the Holy Spirit to do what He wants to do through you and others.
When Evangelism Conflicts with Cultural Norms
Micah Meek
We know the Gospel and society often collide on moral issues, and these areas are what help demonstrate the uniqueness of our faith as we seek to be light in a dark world. These differences are often revolving controversial topics like abortion, homosexuality, or transgenderism. But what if these weren't already debatable topics and were, instead, accepted norms in society? When the Gospel is shared with cultures that aren't historically rooted in a Judea-Christian worldview, this is exactly what takes place. Other cultures have cultic practices which are so engrained in their everyday lives that believers often don't know where to draw the line of faithfulness to Scripture versus a complete rejection of their culture. This session will explore some of these challenges and offer tools for knowing what is permissible and impermissible.
Engaging a Chaotic World
Brandon Bales
It doesn’t take long for a person to find chaos in this world. It’s on display in the news. Chaos can be found in our own lives. The chaos of this world can be overwhelming and discouraging. So, what hope is there for a follower of Jesus to live in peace in midst of a chaos? How does a follower of Jesus engage a chaotic world?