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University Ringers to Perform Rescheduled Concert

April 30, 2001

Combining pieces originally written for handbells, transcriptions of orchestral, vocal, and band works, and hymn arrangements, Oklahoma Baptist University's 10-member handbell ensemble, the University Ringers, will present a spring concert Tuesday, May 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the university's Yarborough Auditorium.

Featuring selections from Elijah and Les Miserables, the group also will perform

"The Swan" by Saint-Saeens, "The William Tell Overture" by Rossini and a handbell duet, using a double bell tree.

This is the last concert for four-year members Lauren Garlow Thomas, a native of Shawnee, and Cindy Jones of Pinehurst, Texas.

The University Ringers are recognized as one of the top collegiate handbell programs in the nation. They have presented feature concerts at the Southern Baptist Church Music Conference, at the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers' Director's Convention, and have appeared on Diane Bish's syndicated television program, "The Joy of Music."

The group has toured in 31 states and several foreign countries.

The University Ringers were organized in 1983 by Mary Kay Parrish, associate professor of music theory at OBU. Parrish is widely known as a handbell clinician and composer and has recently been elected to serve on the national board of AGEHR. She was named 1992 composer of the year by the Jeffers Publishing Company.

The concert is free and open to the public.