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Gaskin Lecture Headed Up by OBU’s Own

September 28, 2001

A friend of Baptist history and Oklahoma Baptist University is the guest lecturer for the university's annual lecture in Oklahoma Baptist History, Oct. 1. Dr. Jerry Faught, assistant professor of religion at OBU, will lead the J.M. Gaskin Lectureship.

The event includes two lectures, "The Denominationalism of Herschel H. Hobbs: Conservative Advocate for Organizational Unity" at 10 a.m. in the university's Yarborough Auditorium, and "The Biblical Theology of Herschel H. Hobbs: An Exposition of a Southern Baptist, Grass Roots via Media," at 7 p.m. in Geiger Center room 220. There will be a reception following the lecture for those in attendance.

Faught's numerous articles published in Baptist History and Heritage Journal, Oklahoma Baptist Chronicle, essential connection and Home Life magazine, have awarded him opportunities to present papers at conferences throughout the country.

A member of the Southern Baptist Historical Society and the American Society of Church History, Faught received the SBHS's Norman W. Cox Award for best published article. He also has been a recipient of the Baptist Heritage Sermon Award.

For the 2000-01 year, he was assistant professor of religion at Bacone College in Muskogee. Faught also has served as chaplain for the Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City for five years.

The 1983 OBU graduate earned a master of divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D degree in religion from Baylor University.

He and his wife, Kelly, '84, have two daughters, Lindsey and Lexi.

The J.M. Gaskin Lectureship was established by friends of Dr. J.M. Gaskin and advocates of the preservation of Oklahoma Baptist history and heritage. The lectureship was designed to promote the study of Oklahoma Baptist history to students at OBU, many of whom will be future leaders of churches in the state. Others interested in Oklahoma Baptist history and heritage are invited to attend these lectures.

Gaskin was Oklahoma Baptists' first historical director.