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Students Say Thank You

September 1, 2001

Oklahoma Baptist University students receiving academic scholarships ranging from $500 to full-tuition thanked those who have helped them succeed at a reception Friday.

OBU's new student academic scholar reception gave students the chance to mingle with current professors and administrators and to write notes to high school teachers thanking them for their help in the past. OBU's Admissions office addressed and mailed the notes for the students.

During the program, OBU president Dr. Mark Brister congratulated the scholarship students on their achievements and encouraged them to be grateful for educators.

"Learn to express gratitude to those who make it possible for you to learn," he said. "Think today about those people who got you here and I hope several years from now you will do the same with your OBU professors."

Representing the faculty, Dr. Brad Jett, James E. Hurley assistant professor of biology, spoke to students about a teacher that prepared him not just for exams, but for life.

"He told me, 'I'm not as much here to teach you as I am to prepare you,'" Jett said. "He knew as we all know that your college career was not the end of the story. There is more to come."

320 new students received academic scholarships at OBU this fall.