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Clarkson Speaks on Truth

March 5, 2002

Clarkson is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Moore.

Although Jesus appeared to be on trial in John 18, Clarkson said it was actually Pilate, the Romans and the Jews who were on trial. Pilate wanted to do what was politically correct at the time so he followed the wishes of the people. Clarkson said that even though political correctness may seem to represent the majority, all that really matters is what God says.

The Jews did not follow the truth but took the path that gave an expedient solution, he said. Expediency will cause humans to do things such as cheat or commit sexual sins because they are thinking of the moment and not the consequences.

Clarkson said that truth is personal. He told students they must understand on their own what they believe - not simply what they've been taught. Truth, he said, is individually imperative and infinitely important.

"I believe what I believe because I am convinced of the reality of it," Clarkson said. "If you are going to be scripturally correct, you must sometimes be politically incorrect."

Truth also is powerful, he said. It gives light and it gives liberty. Christians should not be afraid of investigation or science, because the truth will shine through.

Our nation is living in a culture of death, Clarkson said. Jesus said that truth gives life and only through redemptive life and faith can true liberty exist.

Clarkson concluded by saying that truth is personality.

"The heart of the matter is faith in Jesus," he said. "The noble things that touch our lives are rooted in the gospel of Jesus.

Clarkson has been pastor of FBC in Moore since October. He previously was pastor of First Baptist Church in Claremore.

He has served three terms on the OBU board of trustees.

He and his wife, Cherie, have seven children.