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OBU Invites Parents to Day of Fellowship, Information and Fun

September 30, 2002

Parents' Day


Bobby Canty, OBU dean of students said "there are several reasons a parent would want to come. It will provide them an opportunity to visit with their son or daughter on campus. Also, parents can convey support for their student and express positive reinforcement. Parents can meet with professors and talk about their students, course work and receive feedback."

Last year's Parents' Day saw 157 parents on campus. Organizers expect that many or more this year.

Canty said the day is designed more for parents of freshmen and new students but parents of upperclassmen can still have an enjoyable day of activities.

"It is always a positive experience for OBU and parents," he said. "They can get to know administrators as well as professors, put names with faces and generally get to know OBU better."

The day is full of activities for students' parents and their families. After registration in the Geiger Center at 11 a.m., parents will meet with professors while their younger children begin a day at "Kids College."

Parents will break for lunch shortly after noon and will reconvene at 2 p.m. for 'Praise and Worship on the Hill' in Yarborough Auditorium. A dialogue between administrators and parents will begin at 3 p.m. The residence halls on campus will be open for tours from 3:30 to 5 p.m.

The climax of the evening will be Freshman Follies, an all-freshman talent show, at 8 p.m. in Raley Chapel.

OBU also will host its fall preview day for prospective high school students Oct. 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. More than 270 students and their parents are expected to attend.