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Liptz to Bring Annual Schusterman Lecture Feb. 9

January 22, 2004

Liptz, a social historian who lectures in the department of Middle Eastern and African history at Tel Aviv University and at the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem. Liptz holds a bachelor's degree in history and philosophy from the University of Rhodesia and a master of arts degree from the department of Asian and African studies from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

His address, "Fundamentalist Moslems and the Contemporary Judio-Christian World" is a familiar topic to Liptz. He has lectured and conducted workshops on Middle Eastern, Israeli, and European history and sociology in his extensive travels.

Liptz also will have a dialogue session with OBU students at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, in the Geiger Center.

"We believe this will be a very informative evening and we are grateful to the Schusterman Foundation for making it possible," said Dr. Michael Martin, dean OBU's Joe L. Ingram School of Christian Service.

The annual Schusterman Lecture is intended to foster an understanding and appreciation of Jewish culture and tradition among OBU students and faculty and to cultivate awareness of Jewish contributions to religious, ethical and philosophical studies.

The lectureship is made possible by a grant from the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation of Tulsa, a philanthropic organization that funds programs to enhance Jewish life in the United States, Israel, and the former Soviet Union.