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I Love Buttons; I Like Television

March 17, 2005

There is a new eye into the OBU campus. Created by H.R. Sweat and Derek Watson, the Shine at OBU DVD is timed at about 8 minutes and takes viewers through the academic, campus, and spiritual life that is Oklahoma Baptist University.

H.R. Sweat is from Texas. “I never did video, but I love buttons,” he says in his usual comical flare. When he visited OBU, telecommunications stood out on the campus tour — with the sound studio, video production areas, and television sets — as a major he wanted to pursue.

Derek Watson grew up in Portugal in a missionary family. “I like television,” he says as an initial reason to major in telecommunications. More serious, “I came to OBU because I met standout missionaries who endorsed OBU as a mission-minded place. I wanted to be part of that legacy, and I want to revolutionize Christian media.”

Almost one year ago, Derek and H.R. helped pitch the idea of a DVD that would take on some of the characteristics of video television with its fast transitions and graphic rich frames. The video is built around students and faculty talking about different aspects of OBU — the experience of Move-in Day, the way intramurals work with more than 800 participants, and the mentoring relationship between professors and their students — to name a few.

The interviews are set in a blue screen environment, which enables different images to spin and move behind each person. And, rather than watching the person talk, scenes were edited in to reference and capture what they were talking about. Overlaid onto the images and the interviewees, are several songs from current Christian artists. The result is a powerful video that moves in and out of life at OBU and the reason students should consider attending here. “We realized that with the ‘Shine at OBU’ theme OBU adopted last year,” says Derek, “we had a good concept to attach components and produce a passionate video.”

Beside the main video, the DVD offers bonus material that includes a creative saying of Karip!, a look at residence halls available to freshman students, an extended segment on Welcome Week, a brief video about Bison Sports, and several facts about OBU.

So, the video is being used by the admissions team to share the dynamics of OBU. It also represents expertise, as students who began in telecommunications simply loving buttons and liking television move into creating professional grade products. In fact, Derek and H.R. continue to inspire. They have officially formed a company called Lamp Stand Productions that plans to work with churches and ministries to help formulate a video message.