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Curtis Representing OBU in Metroplex

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The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is a great location for finding college student prospects. Oklahoma Baptist University benefits from alumni and churches located in the Metroplex, and now with Casey Curtis rejoining her alma mater, OBU gains a resource in North Texas.

Curtis, a 1995 OBU graduate, came on board in August as an admissions counselor who works directly in the DFW region, building relationships with the area high schools and church youth groups. She also returns to the OBU admissions staff, as she was a counselor from 1996-98.

"Casey brings experience to the position and a love for OBU," said Trent Argo, dean of enrollment management. "We are happy to have her on staff. She is very enthusiastic and eager to be working for OBU again. Casey will be helping us increase our numbers of new students coming from the DFW area. She is a great asset to the admissions staff and to OBU."

Having experience of working with student ministries in the Houston area, Curtis has a passion for young people and helping them find God's will for their lives. She served at Houston's Northwest Baptist Church and saw the student fellowship grow from 100 to 500 young people in six years.

"Kids want guidance and support in figuring out want they want to do in the future," said Curtis, who is working on her master's degree in counseling at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. "I plan on meeting with church youth groups and helping kids think about college early and not freak out when they become seniors.

"I want to establish relationships with high school students, spend time with them, go to Starbuck's and meet with their friends, and help them plan for their future. This is a passion of mine, to connect with kids early and encourage them to make good choices."

Curtis also will be in contact with other OBU alums in the Metroplex.

"There are tons of OBU alumni in the Dallas-Fort Worth area," said Curtis. "Connecting with them through e-mail and regular functions can be a great resource for OBU and for them from a business perspective because many of them want quality people they can hire."

Alumni who live in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex may contact Curtis at