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OBU Opens Kammerdiener Center

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"I pray for each one of you that you can find out what God is about in this world and find your place within that activity," said Don Kammerdiener as he addressed students during chapel at Oklahoma Baptist University on Sept. 14.

Kammerdiener, retired executive vice president of Southern Baptists' International Mission Board, was featured as part of OBU's Global Outreach week. OBU President Mark Brister presented Kammerediener a certificate that acknowledged the opening of Don R. Kammerdiener Center for Missiological Research.

"Don is a stellar example of an OBU graduate," said Brister about the 1958 graduate. "For more than two decades, Don served in leadership posts with the International Mission Board as area director for Middle America and the Caribbean, as vice president for the Americas, and as the board's executive vice president for 11 years. It is very fitting that our center for missiological research be named in honor of this outstanding OBU alumnus."

The Don R. Kammerdiener Center for Missiological Research is an online data base connecting students, faculty, staff and constituents with a wealth of information about countries, people groups, religions, languages, bibliographies and practical knowledge related to missions. The goal of the center is to provide academic and practical support for students, missions volunteers, church leaders and missionaries as they prepare to go into the world with the message of Christ.

Kammerdiener challenged the students to find answers to questions while in college.

"The most wonderful education is not a degree with honors," he said. "It is a degree with purpose in life.

"God has called you, whoever you are, as a believer, to be a participant in what He is doing around the world," said Kammerdiener, who served with his wife, Meredith, as Southern Baptist missionaries in Costa Rica, Columbia and Argentina. "There are many ways in which you have the opportunity to do that."

Urging the student to make the most of their academic preparation, Kammerdiener said their ability to learn varied disciplines reflected their Christian commitment.

"Stewardship as a Christian is your responsibility to encounter the world as one who can take it at their best and in the power of the gospel," he said.

Kammerdiener shared how the gospel message is accepted more than ever before in North Africa, Middle East and Asia. He described the progress made Cuba where many home churches are multiplying.

"God is at work, and he can use some of you in this particular ministry," said Kammerdiener.

A student-led chapel service on Friday, Sept. 16, concludes Global Outreach Week.