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McDowell Addresses OBU Students

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"Many of you will go into the ministry," he said. "The majority of you, whether you go into business or whatever, and you want to have an impact for Christ, just remember that it's relationships that engender beliefs that form values that drive behavior."

Oklahoma Baptist University students had the opportunity to hear famed Christian apologist and author Josh McDowell during Chapel service Nov. 7 in OBU's Noble Complex.

"I've heard a lot about OBU in the last 10-15 years, that it's a quality place with quality people," he said.

McDowell came to Shawnee, Okla., as part of the Bold Truth Tour, a youth evangelism event that featured Superchic(k) performing and McDowell speaking in OBU's Raley Chapel.

"You're probably here because you want to impact your world," he said as he offered his perspective of how relationships are the foundation of human beliefs and how "truth without relationships leads to rejection."

Once considering himself an agnostic while attending college, McDowell made a drastic change in his life and has spent almost 40 years "telling a doubting world about Christ." He reiterated to students how fortunate they were to be at OBU and alluded to the university's emphasis of Christian faith.