Thirty-Four Recognized for OBU Service
March 31, 2006
Thirty-four Oklahoma Baptist University faculty and staff members, representing 460 years of service, were recognized at the university's annual service awards banquet in late March.

Oklahoma Baptist University honored faculty and staff for their years of service at the university. Those recognized include (front row, left to right) Dr. Shawna York, Lisa Licklider, Martha Hernandez, Cynthia Gates, Cindy Rieger, Tara Colvin, Norma Partridge, Anne Hammond, Wayne Rhea; (second row, from left) Retha Houck, Glen Walters, Dr. Rich Rudebock, Warren McWilliams, Robert Cash, Dr. Eugene Hobbs, Ford Mastin, Dr. Paul Hammond, Marty O'Gwynn; (top row, from left) Lisa Hair, Mark Wagner, Dr. Jerry Faught, Dr. Dan Reeder, Kevin Pruiett, Dr. John Cragin, Dr. Richard Cheek, Norris Russell, Albert Chen.
The recognition included a photographic presentation of the honorees, as well as remarks from OBU President Mark Brister. The honorees include:
Wayne Rhea, assistant professor of mathematics, was recognized for 40 years of service at the university. Norma Partridge, associate professor of music, was recognized for 35 years of service. Retha Houck, mailroom assistant; and Dr. Warren McWilliams, Auguie Henry professor of Bible, were recognized for 30 years of service. Dr. Norris Russell, director of athletics and professor of kinesiology and leisure studies, was honored for 25 years at OBU.
Those recognized for 20 years of service include Dr. Albert Chen, professor of physics; Anne Hammond, associate professor of English and journalism; and Dr. Paul Hammond, professor of music and dean of the Warren M. Angell College of Fine Arts.
OBU faculty and staff honored for 15 years at the institution include Dr. David Byland, associate professor of telecommunications; Robert Cash, assistant director of the physical plant; Dr. John Cragin, Robert L. and Sara Lou Cargill professor of business; Cythia Gates, Geiger Center director; Dr. Robbie Henson, associate professor of nursing; Tonia Kellogg, director of executive offices; Marty O'Gwynn, associate vice president of communications; and Dr. Dan Reeder, professor of finance.
Reaching 10 years of service at OBU and receiving recognition were Tara Colvin, endowed scholarship manager; Dr. Eugene Hobbs, professor of mathematics; Ford Mastin, track coach and assistant professor of kinesiology and leisure studies; Cindy Reiger, assistant professor of nursing; Mark Wagner, communications/appliance technician; and Glen Walters, electrician/communications helper.
Eleven were recognized for serving five years at the university, including Dr. Joyce Aldridge, assistant professor of theatre; Dr. Richard Cheek, dean of library services; Rick Cody, men's and women's golf coach; Suzan Dick, men's and women's tennis coach; Dr. Jerry Faught, Dickinson chair and associate professor of religion; Martha Hernandez, assistant professor of nursing; Gina Kraft, assistant professor of kinesiology and leisure studies; Lisa Licklider, mail room clerk; Kevin Pruiett, assistant professor of music; Dr. Rich Rudebock, dean of Paul Dickinson School of Business; Dr. Shawna York, assistant professor of chemistry.