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OBU Music Faculty Perform in Bell Memorial Recital March 8

March 1, 2007

A wide range of musicians will perform in Oklahoma Baptist University's third annual Digby Bell Memorial Recital on March 8 at 7:30 p.m. in OBU's Yarborough Auditorium.

The recital was established in memory of Dr. Digby Bell, a noted University of Oklahoma music professor who died in 2004. His wife, Dr. Carol Ann Bell, is an OBU associate professor of music.

Bell and Sandra Meyer, associate professor of music, will open the recital with a duo-piano performance. Each piece will feature two OBU music faculty, retired OBU faculty or OBU staff.

The recital will include works by Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Hughes, Gliere, Strauss and Prokofiev. Michael Dean, assistant professor of music, will conclude the recital with a piano performance.

Digby Bell was active in music as a teacher and as a solo and chamber music performer. He served 25 years as chairman of the keyboard department at the University of Oklahoma and was named professor of emeritus upon his retirement.

Digby was a member of OU's University Trio for 10 years and performed with the Oklahoma Symphony on numerous occasions. Prior to Digby's death, he and Carol Ann performed an annual recital together at OBU.

The March 8 recital will feature Carol Ann Bell; Sandra Meyer; Jennifer McQuade, adjunct professor of music; Dr. Keith Whitmore, instructor of music and staff accompanist; Theresa Swadley, secretary to the dean, OBU's Warren M. Angell College of Fine Arts; Rhetta Hudson, associate professor of music; Dr. Ron Lewis, retired professor of music; Norma Partridge, associate professor of music; Dr. Mark McQuade, assistant professor of music; and Michael Dean.