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Ladies Take Charge

March 4, 2008

"The Date Auction gave the girls permission to take charge and make the first move. It was a fun atmosphere with a lot of energy," said Haley Howard, senior class fundraiser chairman.

Seniors Becka Weber and Chelsea Irving guided the auction process as emcees for the evening. Senior Nathalie Jarufe and sophomores Channing Howard and Reji Smith served as ushers during the auction. Ushers were responsible for encouraging the bachelorettes to bid on a bachelor.

"Normally the ushers have been guys, but we wanted the girls to feel comfortable. So this year, there were no guys in the audience at all," Howard said.

At the start of the Date Auction, the bachelorettes bid on the infamous Stud Stopper. The highest bidder for the Stud Stopper gained the power to stop any bidding on the bachelor of her choice.

Fifteen bachelors, including senior Quinn Will, junior Drew O'Gwynn, sophomore Joseph Armstrong and freshman Dillon Chilcoat among others, took part in the Date Auction. The bachelors were introduced in groups of five.

Since this year's theme was Boy Bands, each group performed a routine to songs like "The Right Stuff" by New Kids on the Block.

"Once they finished their routine, they went backstage while they were being auctioned off. That way they didn't know how much the girls were paying for them," Howard said.

The bachelors were auctioned off for bids ranging from $50 to $200. Last year a bachelorette paid about $200 for senior Mark Clifford.

At the end of the night, the bachelors met the girls who paid for dates with them. Each bachelor is required to take the girl out on a date at some time during the semester.

"We have had one great success story from a Date Auction a couple years ago. In our sophomore year, Sammy Jo Turner bought Landon O'Neal, and now they are happily married," Howard said.

Proceeds from the Date Auction will go towards the senior class gift which is a piece of artwork painted by sophomore Rachel Wimpey. The painting will be placed in OBU's Mabee Learning Center.