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Professor Speaks at Business Forum

October 13, 2008

"I was honored to be chosen to present at the forum," said King, who was joined at the event by fellow OBU faculty member Dr. Craig Walker, Wheeler Associate Professor of Economics.

King noted his involvement in the forum benefits his work in several ways. King said he thinks that strategically, the forum helps OBU faculty represent the university's academic program, and professionally, it allows them to network and learn from other professionals in similar work. King also has used his experience at the forum to impact his classroom curriculum.

"I've started using some of the research from my presentation in my classes so they have some historical context of free trade," King said.

The forum, following the topic, "The Role of Markets and Governments in Pursuing the Common Good," featured notable speakers such as Hernando De Soto, from the Institute for Liberty and Democracy, and Karl Rove, FOX news commentator. Hearing De Soto speak was a highlight of the event for the OBU faculty, many who use the internationally known speaker's work in their classrooms.

"I refer to him in my business ethics classes, and Dr. Walker refers to him in his economics class, so we were excited to get to hear him speak," King said.

According to the Hillsdale Web site, The Free Market Forum seeks to encourage the study of free enterprise. Several dozen invitees, including faculty members from colleges and universities around the country with ties to the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities or the Acton Institute, attend as guests of the annual Free Market Forum.