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Women at OBU Dress to Impress Potential Employers

February 10, 2009

Now in its sixth year, the Professional Dress Clothes Closet for Women offers a wide range of business clothing - for free - for students giving presentations or going for job interviews.

"Students get to keep anything they find with no strings attached," said Dr. Cindy Hanchey, OBU Ernest C. Wheeler Chair of Business and associate professor of computer science.

All of the clothing in the closet is donated from women both on and off campus. Clothes are available for any female OBU student who needs an outfit. The clothes closet is a ministry started with the help of Hanchey and Dr. Robbie Mullins, OBU Peitz Professor of Business.

"People who give know that their donations are used to benefit students," said Hanchey. "I am so fortunate to have this opportunity to serve in this way."

The women's clothes closet is open year-round and offers a variety of clothing including suits, jackets, blazers, dresses, blouses, slacks and accessories.

"Students generally use our services more during end-of-semester presentations or in the spring when job interviewing, but we would like them to come more often," said Hanchey.

Located in the Bailey Business Center, room 231, the closet is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For more information regarding this ministry, please contact Hanchey at 878-3284 or Mullins at 878-3269.