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Student Newspaper, Editor Receive Honors

March 31, 2009

According to the CSPA Web site, "Gold Circle Awards are offered to recognize superior work by student journalists usually as individuals, but sometimes as an entire staff working with either print or online media." More than 13,000 entries are submitted each year. The awards were announced at the annual convention in March.

"Considering the talent we have at OBU, I can't say I am surprised to be recognized," said Holly Easttom, OBU assistant professor of journalism and faculty advisor for The Bison. "It is an honor for our program and a genuine reflection of the quality this staff produces. I am thrilled others see the ability present here."

Bison Editor-in-Chief Andrew Adams, a junior from Salt Lake City, received a certificate of merit from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association for his front-page design of the Nov. 14, 2007, issue titled, "Wellness Center."

"It is a great honor to see my staff recognized for the hard work they do every week," said Adams. "I am so grateful to The Bison staff and my adviser for the countless hours they put in to make an award-winning publication."

The Bison celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2008. It is published 24 times on Wednesdays throughout the academic year and has a weekly circulation of 1,400. Content published in The Bison can be found online at