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Winter Preview Day slated for Jan. 30

January 6, 2010

OBU will host the opportunity for students to get a firsthand look at the campus and college life on Saturday, Jan. 30. Preview Day gives prospective students - especially high school sophomores, juniors and seniors - the chance to explore OBU's different academic fields and receive information on financial aid and the admission process.

"One of the greatest questions a new student has about entering college is, 'Am I going to fit in?'" said Bruce Perkins, director of OBU Admissions. "The best way to determine that is to visit the campus and meet the people with whom you'll be living and studying. Oftentimes, we hear students who come to OBU say that when they visited campus, 'It just felt right.' Winter Preview Day is an excellent opportunity to meet current students, professors, and other prospective students as well as learn valuable information about financial aid and academic programs."

After registration at 1 p.m. in Raley Chapel and an opening session at 1:30 p.m., participants can attend breakout sessions highlighting academics, a campus tour, a mock class experience and information on financial aid. The event will conclude with a dinner from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

To register for the 2010 OBU Winter Preview Day, click here or call 800.654.3285.