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Poetry Reading to Feature Keegan Feb.10

February 8, 2011

The public is encouraged to attend, and signed copies of her work will be available for purchase after the reading.

Dr. Keegan is professor of English at Oklahoma City University. Her interests include British romantic poetry, gender studies and Gothic literature. She teaches several courses at OCU including "Literature and Spirituality," "Western Literature" and "Women's Literature." She was honored as a Woody Guthrie Poet in 2008.

In addition to essays on American and British writers and numerous poems, she previously published two books of poetry, "The Feast of the Assumptions" and "Oklahoma Journey," in addition to her recent volume, "Depending on the Weather." She also published a critical book, "Byron's Other Self and Voice: Contextualizing the Homographic Signature." In 2007 she received a merit award from Byline Magazine's Silver Anniversary Poetry chapbook competition.