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McCarther’s Art Show Reflects Life Q&A

March 11, 2011

For Thomas McCarthur, every step he takes in his art provides answers to life's questions. And yet, he said, each step opens more questions.

"It's a constant process that keeps me interested and engaged and pushes me forward," he said.

A senior graphic design major at OBU, McCarther will present his senior art show, titled "Q & A," March 25-31 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. His artwork will be displayed in the OBU art building gallery. The show is part of a series OBU is hosting from March through May.

McCarther, who is from LaPorte, Texas, said he receives his inspiration from the process by which he discovers his design. He also expressed that his family is a great part of the inspiration for his artwork.

"My brother-in-law, Brandon, is my greatest inspiration in the design field," McCarther said. "He and my sister, Kayla, have been super supportive and helped me move past some tough barriers in my design."

McCarther said he never had any doubt in choosing a major at OBU.

"I have wanted to pursue this area of art since high school," he said. "I have always loved illustrating -- and how it is able to tell a story without words, provide meaning with very little information. When I found that there was a professional art field that specialized in communicating through words and images, I knew that is what I wanted to do."

In the future, McCarther said he would like to work with a design firm to gain experience in the field, and then become a freelance designer.