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Sherrard Reflects Delight in Senior Art Show

March 25, 2011

OBU senior Kacie Sherrard is an artist whose work is inspired by the simple things of life -- wind chimes, warm breezes, the human form, stars, acoustic guitar strumming and more. These everyday aesthetics inspire the theme of her senior art show, "All good things are wild and free."

"I have come to find that the things in life I find most wonderful are free and beautiful," said Sherrard, a studio art major from Quitman, Texas. "My goal for this show is to display art that inspires joy and pleasant feelings."

Sherrard will present her senior art show in OBU's library, the Mabee Learning Center, from Friday, April 1, through Thursday, April 7. The public is invited to view her artwork Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m., Friday from 7:30am to 5 p.m., Saturday from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Inspired by the life around her, Sherrard said she has been drawing and coloring as long as she can remember -- and she hopes to never quit.

"I plan to create art for as long as I can," she said. "I hope that as I continue my life after college, art will always be a part of not only my career, but that it will always be a passion and an escape for me."

A recent trip to New York City, Sherarrd said, has motivated some of her recent art pieces, but on a regular basis receives her inspiration from everyday experiences. She said she is also blessed to have talented and creative friends who encourage her every day.

Her heroes in the area of art are her professors who have made an impact on her art work and her artistic friends. These professors, along with other professionals, provide inspiration as well.

"The late Mary Ellen Fleming, a wonderful painter, created some of the most breathtaking and awe inspiring works of art," Sherrard said. "Looking at her work is truly inspiring."

Whether drawn from life itself, friends, professors or other artists, Sherrard said she wants her artwork to inspire others about good and beautiful things.

"I want my art to reflect the bliss and delight God has placed in my life," she said.