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Willing Witnesses, Seeking Souls Fit Together, Moore Says

November 16, 2011

Such opportunity arises when a person is a willing witness, Moore told OBU students during a weekly chapel message Wednesday, Nov. 16. Moore serves as founder and president of Awe Star Ministries in Tulsa, Okla.

Moore founded his message on the story of Philip found in Acts 8:26-39. In the Scripture passage, an angel speaks to Philip and tells him to go to Gaza. On the way, he encounters an Ethiopian and shares the good news of Jesus Christ. The Ethiopian believes in Jesus and is baptized.

Philip was a willing witness, Moore explained, and the next heartbeat of a willing servant is a heartbeat of obedience. Acts 8:27 says after the angel spoke to Philip, "he got up and went." The Ethiopian along the path was a seeking soul, and God was working in his life.

"What are the odds there would be a person coming down the road who is a willing witness, and he runs into a man who is a seeking soul, and God would put the willing witness and the seeking soul together in the same chariot?" Moore asked. "What are the odds of that? It's 100 percent."

The bottom line of missionary work is that God uses a willing witness to expand his kingdom one soul at a time, Moore said. He told the students of several times during his ministry in Eastern Europe when God orchestrated meetings between Moore as a willing witness and seeking souls in a variety of settings. Often, the opportunities to share the Gospel occurred when plans seemed to go awry.

"I've learned something in my life: My disappointment becomes God's divine appointment when I become a willing witness," Moore said.

Moore told the students he does not know why God would choose to use him to lead mission groups to every continent besides Antarctica, to write a weekly column in the Baptist Messenger and to be a best-selling author. He said what mattered is that when God called him to serve, he said yes.

His prayer, he said, is that when God is looking for someone to serve, each student will also consider answering, "Yes."

For more information about Awe Star Ministries, click here.