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Basinger Shares 'The Nature of Things' in Art

March 6, 2012

Each spring, OBU hosts a series of senior art shows, the first which showcased Basinger's artwork.

"Most of my pieces involve nature," Basinger said, explaining her reasoning for choosing 'The Nature of Things' as the theme of her show. "I see beauty in the small things; for example, the way that trees grow. I love that they look as though they are worshipping."

Basinger's primary motivation is found in experiencing different mediums, particularly ceramics. Believing artistic creation to be a "God-given talent," she said she is excited at the prospect of discovering a new medium or new way to express creativity.

Throughout her artistic pursuits, Basinger said Julie Blackstone, assistant professor of art, and Chris Owens, adjunct professor of art, have given her the most instruction through constructive criticism, driving Basinger to "think outside of originality and formality," she said. Basinger's family also has consistently supported her, encouraging her to "keep it up no matter what."

"Having each of them so supportive makes what I do that much more meaningful," Basinger said.

One of Basinger's favorite pieces in her show was a ceramic and stained glass piece named "A Change in the Weather." She said she had fun creating the piece, starting with a small idea to create a wall mosaic and finishing with a unique, original piece.

"The final outcome was nothing like what I could have imagined," she said. "It was so much better."

An art education major, Basinger is from Cushing, Okla. After graduation, she wants to teach other students about her love for art and inspire them to love art as well. She also would like to earn her master's degree and teach art at the college level.