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Churchill Presents 'Random' Senior Art Show

March 9, 2012

"Everything from films, books, music and random thoughts that pop into my head go into my work," he claimed.

For Churchill, randomness is the key to his work. An art exhibit displaying Churchill's work will premiere on March 9 at 7:25 p.m. in the OBU Art Building gallery. The show is titled "I'm Hip to the Young People's Jibber Jabber," and the title aptly expresses Churchill's style.

"There isn't really a 'theme' to my show," he said. "It's a random collection of work. Even the name doesn't hold any significance. I simply wanted to do something fun and loose."

Churchill is a graphic design major from Claremore, Okla. After graduation, he hopes to work for a design agency, but his main goal is to work in any job associated with art. He says his inspirations include John Lasseter, chief creative officer of Pixar, as well as the entire Pixar team.

OBU professors Corey Fuller and Chris Owens have been essential in his growth as a designer, he said, and they have challenged him as an artist to think in creative, innovative ways.

"Before I started (at OBU), I had no idea what it actually took to compete in today's art market," Churchill said, reflecting on his education on Bison Hill. "Now I feel like I know just how high the level of professionalism is."

Churchill's "collection of artsy stuff," as he calls his senior art exhibit, runs from March 9-15 in the OBU Art Building.