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Senior to Present 'Where Art Meets Cute' Show

March 19, 2012

The title of her show, "Where Art Meets Cute," reflects both Miller's personality and her desires for her work. Her strongest motivation is to spread her love of art with others. Her hope is that people who view her work connect with the pieces in a way that "inspires happiness," and that people will "take that happiness into the world and share it," just like she has.

Miller's artistic style is echoed in her favorite piece in her show, titled "Shy One," a watercolor and ink piece on coldpress. The ways she combined technique, style and emotion make "Shy One" her favorite.

"I love that her expression came across so well," Miller said. "A little sad, a little solemn, like she has a sad secret that she doesn't have anyone to share with."

As a multiple transfer and a non-traditional student, Miller's collegiate experience has been "different from most," as she said. She praised the faculty at OBU, however, for showing her the worth of her college education. Miller said the art faculty in particular have played a large role in shaping her attitude about art as a "pursuable career path, not just a passion."

Julie Blackstone, assistant professor of art, and Chris Owens, adjunct professor of art, have encouraged her creative attempts most, Miller noted.

"Julie Blackstone has always pushed me to work harder, to try new things and to really challenge myself," Miller said. "Chris Owens has really challenged the way I think about the creative process and has expanded the way I view the world in ways that I didn't expect. He has really shown me how to look at the world as a truly beautiful place, even where beauty isn't always expected."

Miller also mentioned her parents and friends "who have always been ready to offer encouragement, ego-stroking, a comforting shoulder, or a swift kick" for their participation in her creating process, encouraging her to keep working. She gave special thanks to her husband Aaron, who she called her "grounding force throughout this process" who has kept her from "descending into total mania throughout so many projects."

Miller is an art major from Tecumseh, Okla. Her current plans after graduation are uncertain, but her heart lies in constant creation.

"The dream, of course, is to make enough money selling my work that I can continue creating, painting, designing and producing work that make people smile," Miller said. "However, my hope -- between now and that dream -- is to work as an illustrator for children's stories. I would love the opportunity to help authors bring their stories to life, and have my illustrations help impact children the way the pictures in my favorite stories impacted by desires to continue reading and learning."