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Baker Expresses 'Captured Simplicity' through Art

April 26, 2012

An art major from Shawnee, Okla., Baker's motivation comes mostly from nature and music. She said she enjoys times when she can be with her own thoughts since she tends to "put everything into my artwork." One example of this dedication is her favorite piece, a detailed work called "Uncle's Love." This piece, the first portrait drawing Baker ever completed, was created for one of her friends.

Baker credited much of her creative success to her mother, who she said has helped and encouraged her. She also said she believes there are no limits to her artwork as a result of the encouragement from her professors. Each art professor has challenged her and pushed her to do better than she ever thought she could, she said.

"Chris Owens opened my eyes the most to look around my surroundings for inspiration and gave me a different look on the simple things in life," Baker said. "Julie (Blackstone) and Chris pushed me the most to go past my limits."

Owens is an adjunct professor of art, and Blackstone is an assistant professor of art.

Following graduation, Baker hopes to work in an art gallery and continue creating her own art to sell.