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Senior's Art Show Draws on Life Experiences

April 26, 2012

"Jennifer Juliano's Senior Art Show" opens Saturday, April 28, at 6 p.m. in the Geiger Center on OBU's campus.

A graphic design major from Enid, Okla., Juliano is a self-motivated artist who draws inspiration from life experiences, family, friends and other designers, as well as ideas she "just can't let go until I put them on paper." Her aversion to procrastination is evident.

"I actually have trouble sleeping because I can't seem to shut my brain off at night," Juliano said. "I will get ideas in the middle of the night, grab my phone, text it to myself, and go back to sleep."

During her time at OBU, Juliano has seen her artwork grow substantially. Although she said she could not pick an "absolute favorite" piece in her show because of the wide variety of mediums, the one piece that stands out the most is a pointillist painting titled "Happy Heel," a piece she created unexpectedly.

"I didn't even know I could paint until I painted this shoe last year during my second semester at OBU," she explained. "After I finished it, I couldn't believe it was me who had done it! I discovered I had a talent I would have never known I had if I didn't take that first painting class."

Juliano said she feels more prepared for the "real world," thanks to the friends and teachers she met at OBU. She expressed gratitude for her art professors and the education she has received on Bison Hill.

"Mr. (Chris) Owens, Julie (Blackstone), Corey (Fuller), Mr. (Steve) Hicks, and Mr. (Brad) Price all helped encourage my creative attempts!" Juliano said. "Mr. Owens always told me my drawings were 'fabulous' even when I about ripped them to shreds out of frustration, and he would push me to draw bigger even when I was reluctant.

"I remember Julie always telling me how impressed she was with my paintings, yet always gave great critique when necessary.

"Corey pushed my creativity button like no other! I would sometimes come into class thinking I had a certain project almost finished. Corey would look at it, point out every little thing that needed fixing, and I would realize I had a long way to go. Although it was frustrating at times, it was so good for me!

"Mr. Hicks was my first drawing teacher and really helped me understand proportions before I knew anything about drawing. Mr. Price showed me so many artistic mediums I never knew existed, and his paintings inspired me."

Besides her OBU professors, Juliano said she feels most encouraged by her family. She posts her art on Facebook so her family can see it. She said her parents remind her constantly they will do as much as they can to help her succeed, and they will support her no matter what.

"I absolutely believe I have the best parents and brothers in the entire world," Juliano said. "I'm extremely fortunate."

Juliano plans to job-shadow for a graphic designer in her hometown and do an internship after graduation. She said she hopes the internship turns into a full-time job, and she wants to start her own graphic design business in the future.