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Sophomore Accepted to Science Research Program

April 26, 2012

CASPER's undergraduate program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and Baylor University. Acceptance into the program provides outstanding undergraduates the opportunity for active theoretical and experimental research participation with Baylor University faculty. The primary purpose of the program is to expose undergraduates interested in graduate research to an actual research environment.

Moore said he hopes to be involved in the "Engineering Research" branch, although he will not know which project he will participate in until he arrives at the center. He felt OBU has best prepared him for this experience through his mathematics and science courses, believing he should challenge himself to take more upper level classes.

"We have a really tough science department, and it's something you can develop a love/hate relationship with," Moore said. "You grow to hate the massive amount of work, but generally love the results that come from it down the line."

Dr. Shawna York, associate professor of chemistry, has been the most influential professor in his academic career, he said.

"She pushes just about everyone who will listen towards research, which is a really good thing," Moore explained. "She has a unique way of inspiring confidence and making you believe in your abilities, and she gets great results because of that."

Moore expressed excitement about the chance to learn and experience new things this summer. He said he is happy to represent OBU and realizes the responsibility he has to exemplify OBU positively. Although a bit apprehensive about the level of technicality involved in the program, he said he is confident that "everything is in God's hands," and that his acceptance into the program is more than merely a "random event."

Moore grew up in South Africa, where his parents served as Southern Baptist representatives. He is the grandson of Emma Rose Moore of Vinita, Okla.