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Biology Students Visit Lake Texoma on Fall Break

October 29, 2012

Dr. Brad Jett, professor of biology, Dr. Dale Utt, associate professor of biology, and Dr. Tony Yates, assistant professor of science, led a group of nine junior and senior OBU biology students to Lake Texoma to utilize the facilities, labs and equipment at the University of Oklahoma Biological Station located at the lake.

The group also explored the surrounding forests and hunted for discoveries in the area rich in Cretaceous period fossils. During their explorations, the OBU students found a fossil weighing nearly 90 pounds.

On the recreational side, students observed the night sky and went on night hikes with the aid of night-vision goggles. They also built a bonfire on the beach, roasting hotdogs and s'mores.

Jett viewed the trip, which he provides to biology majors each year, as a rewarding opportunity to "build camaraderie among science students and professors and simply enjoy being out in God's creation."