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Corley to Open Senior Art Show Feb. 8

February 7, 2013

The public is invited to an opening of the show Friday, Feb. 8, from 7-9 p.m. in the OBU Art Building, located in the southeast corner of OBU's campus. Corley will be selling photography prints for $10 each.

"The show is an eclectic collection of my favorite pieces from my four years at OBU, so the recurring theme is a sense of nostalgia because I borrow a lot from the past," explained Corley.

The show will include various types of Corley's work representing her college years: posters, package design, fine art and film photography. Many of the pieces are projects from previous classes, but Corley also has included freelance work, commissions and personal endeavors.

Corley plans to graduate from OBU in May 2013. She said her career goals include starting her own graphic design and marketing consulting firm.

"I love attending a liberal arts university because I get to take classes in many disciplines and, as a result, have found inspiration in so many places," Corley said. "I am so grateful for the education I have received at OBU. I will be using these skills daily in countless ways for the rest of my life."