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Henderson to Present 'Miscellaneous Metals' Art Show

April 24, 2013

A reception honoring Henderson and her work will serve as an opening ceremony for the exhibit. The public is invited to attend the free event. The show will close Friday, May 3.

Henderson said she chose to focus on metal because the versatility of the medium represents the haphazardness of a college student's life.

"Metals come in all forms, shapes and sizes," Henderson said. "They are extremely random, but they always find their place in life. At this time in life, I have a goal and have random experiences in various areas, but I do not know how these experiences will all come together."

Just as metals can be altered, Henderson also related the metals used in her pieces to the transformation which occurs over a human lifetime.

"Metals form cars, buildings, furniture and other various forms at their endings, but never know what they will be used for in their beginning," Henderson said. "At an early stage, metals are ready to be transformed for their callings just as we are. We continue to search and learn where our metals will be used. The metals at my show have been used, will be used, and are being used for different purposes. A piece of metal, just like our thoughts, projects and experiences, does not know its purpose in life; however, it will eventually be used for something great."

She said Corey Fuller, OBU assistant professor of graphic design, has provided a major influence in her work.

"Corey Fuller is a very precise and detailed man," said Henderson. "When he critiques your work, you can guarantee he is looking at all the fine details. Being a student under him has taught me to become more aware of minor details and how they can affect me in a positive or negative manor."

Following graduation, Henderson plans to pursue her master's degree in architectural engineering.

"My background in graphic design can be viewed as a metal that will be transformed and used in my progress to becoming something useful and great in the future," Henderson said.