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OBU Enactus Kicks Off 'Let's Can Hunger' Campaign

April 2, 2013

According to recent statistics, Oklahoma is the fourth hungriest state in the nation. One in every four or five children in Oklahoma is at risk of going to bed hungry every night, and one in six adult Oklahomans faces hunger every day.

OBU Enactus has set a goal to collect 5,000 pounds of canned food to support disadvantaged people in the local community. The grant for the food campaign is provided by Campbell Soup Company, according to Chelsea Jordan, OBU's Enactus president.

Anyone interested in contributing canned food for the drive may deliver donations to FireLake Discount Foods at 1700 S. Gordon Cooper Dr. in Shawnee.

Enactus, formerly known as SIFE, is a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world. The name "Enactus" is derived from the organization's goals: ENtrepreneurship, ACTion and US. The canned food drive in Shawnee addresses the action part of the group's mission.

The Campbell's "Let's Can Hunger" Project Partnership, sponsored by Campbell Soup Company, mobilizes Enactus USA teams to measure and demonstrate a comprehensive approach to addressing hunger, including organizing and executing food drives for urgent hunger relief and empowering those in need to defeat the cycle of hunger for lasting hunger relief.

Visit Campell's "Let's Can Hunger" website for more information.