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Hennesy to Display Art November 16-27

November 15, 2013

"I tend to jump from medium to medium," explained Hennesy. "I love the idea of being able to create, whether it's drawing, designing, painting, screen printing, or anything else. I'm always up for something new."

Hennesy's show will last from Nov. 16-27 in the OBU Art Building, located in the southeast corner of OBU's campus. On Nov. 16 there will be an opening reception for the show lasting from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. The show will include various types of Hennesy's work of the past four years: drawings, design, paintings and photography.

Hennesy plans to graduate from OBU in May of 2013, and hopes to one day own a small creative design business.

"I am so thankful for the professors in the art department," said Hennesy. "I learned so much from them; they have equipped me with knowledge that I'll use for the rest of my life."

Visit Hennesy's website for more information about her art.