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McDowell's Senior Art Exhibit to Open Saturday Feb. 1

January 29, 2014

The exhibit will be held in the OBU Art Building on the southeast corner of OBU's campus in Shawnee. The Art Building is located on the west side of N. Kickapoo and between University and Midland. Parking may be found west of the building off of Midland.

The exhibit will display graphic design works for packaging, advertising, still life paintings, typography and brand identities. One of McDowell's brand identities won an Addy award from the local chapter of the American Advertising Federation.

"I find great inspiration in the magnificent work of God who created all things," said McDowell. "I enjoy the attributes of God. For instance, His purity, holiness and righteousness drive me to desire the same in my life and in the works of art I produce. God alone provides the work to be done each day and keeps me striving to come up with ideas which are honoring to His name."

McDowell said her professors at OBU have helped her reach her potential in her art. "My professors have inspired me by tuning me in to the proper skill sets and aesthetics needed for communicating effectively, both visually and verbally, for a future position."

Upon graduation, McDowell plans to seek a creative position in graphic design, begin work as a freelance designer, or work toward a master's degree.