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OBU Welcomes Students to Be a Bison Day

February 18, 2014

"Be a Bison Day provides prospective students with an opportunity to experience college life, both inside and outside of the classroom," said Rachel Potts, OBU director of admissions. "While brochures and pamphlets of information are helpful, actually coming to visit a college campus is crucial in the decision process and deciding where is the best."

On Be A Bison Day, students arrive at the Geiger Center on campus between 9 and 9:30 a.m. They then attend a chapel service at 10 a.m., followed by sitting in on a class to get a feel for what college classes on Bison Hill are like. Next, they eat lunch in the cafeteria with current students, followed by getting a closer look around campus. The day typically concludes with Dr. David Whitlock, OBU president, speaking with the students. For the Feb. 14 event, Dr. Stan Norman, provost and executive vice president for campus life, led the final session.

Feb. 14 was OBU's eighth Be a Bison Day of the academic year. OBU will host one more Be a Bison Day this year, scheduled for Friday, April 11. Other upcoming events include Night on the Hill, March 6-7 and Spring Preview Day, April 5.

"Be a Bison Day allows students an opportunity to experience and interact with our community, keeping in mind that Bison Hill could potentially be their home for the next four years," said Potts.

For more information on attending Be A Bison Day, Night on the Hill, or Spring Preview Day, contact OBU's Office of Admissions at (405) 585-5000.