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Quintana to Present Senior Art Show

March 5, 2014

The art show opening will include a reception, and the public is invited to attend the free exhibit. The exhibit, titled "Industry Queue," will be on display for a week following the debut, closing on March 13.

"The name of my show is my professional identity," said Quintana, "It plays off of my last name, (starting with the letter "Q"), and the materials of industry, like the metal used in many of my works."

The display, which features mainly posters and other design media, will focus on materials of industry as an artistic interpretation.

"I've always enjoyed the worn and the rundown since I've been living close enough from downtown Oklahoma City to reach it, and far enough away for it still to be a mystery," Quintana said. "Such elements of industry have fascinated me with the beauty they achieve as they age. As a result, I like using materials in a way that breaks them of their traditional uses and wears them as I work. I enjoy refinement when I have control of every angle and curve when I work on the computer, but when I work with my hands, I like to let the material speak for itself: stuttering, repeating and misspeaking as it explains itself like most humans do."

Quintana also drew inspiration from the art deco movement in the 1920's and the typographic style of the 1950's as influences to his artistic style.

"The cleanliness and geometry of the '20s and '50s fascinate me; many of my pieces seek to emulate their ideals," Quintana said.

The senior also noted his inspiration of a more personal level with regards toward his professors at OBU.

"While all of the instructors in the OBU art program have contributed in some way to growth and development in my craft, I have had the opportunity to work with Corey Fuller for the entirety of my time here," said Quintana. "He has pushed me to grow beyond what I was before."

Fuller, who teaches numerous design and graphics courses at OBU, has received many awards for his work in marketing and design. Fuller also served as vice president for the American Institute of Graphic Arts.

Additionally, Quintana recognized the role that the university played in the development of his art.

"OBU has enabled my passion for learning while letting me simultaneously pursue the training for my field," Quintana said. "Not only have I been allowed to practice each in turn, I've been encouraged to combine them and tie the ideas to each other across practices and studies."

Following graduation, Quintana hopes to stay in the Oklahoma City area and work in whatever capacity he can.

"I have worked periodically as an intern with the company Element Fusion/Netsuite since high school," said Quintana. "I hope to continue work in web but feel no restriction to stop there. I also enjoy apparel design and have designed a few shirts for campus events. An enjoyable career in either or both is what I hope for in my future artistic endeavors."