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Alexander Senior Art Show Debuts April 12

April 9, 2014

The art show opening will include a reception, and the public is invited to attend the free exhibit. Alexander's show will be on display until its close on April 24.

"The theme of my show touches on beauty that can be seen in every part of life," Alexander said, "Basically, it's a new way of looking at the world. The fingerprint of God is seen on all of his creation, and that is why I have chosen to look for beauty in things that are living or dead, young or old, beginning or finished."

Alexander's display, which will feature an assortment of paintings, drawings, screen prints and graphic design, was largely influenced by her family.

"My great aunt Alice was a painter," said Alexander, "While she had cancer, she took the time to help me paint my first painting when I was only 8 years old. She passed away shortly after that. She was my first inspiration toward art."

Alexander also mentioned the role that OBU has played in the development of her art.

"The professors have been the ones who have prepared me for a career in fine arts." Alexander said, "If it wasn't for them, I would have no direction. They have all encouraged me to try different media to find my style. Professor Fuller has generously given his time to help me prepare for the graphic design world. As much as I don't feel ready for it, he has been extremely encouraging and a huge blessing."

Following graduation, she intends to further her education in art and design. She also has set a lifetime goal to travel around the world experiencing the art of different cultures.

"My future plans are to patiently await the Lord's direction on what art or design jobs to search out," said Alexander.

Learn more about studying art and design at OBU.