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Lang Brings Message of Hope, Recovery to Chapel Service

April 2, 2014

Lang shared his journey from addiction to brokenness and forgiveness to inspire hope for others suffering from addiction. As a teenager, he felt a strong pressure to perform. His junior year in high school, he turned to drugs and alcohol to cope. This choice created a years-long cycle of abuse and addiction that destroyed his hope and left him in a reclusive, depressive state.

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"If you knew me three years ago, there is no way in the world you'd believe I would be here today," said Lang. "There was always some kind of secret sin in my life. There was always something I was hiding."

Pressure mounted as a young adult, as he was leading a $30 million project management firm by the age of 25. He was working as vice president of the company and feeling pressure to produce. One day his boss, who was also his uncle, sat him down and confronted him about his addiction. "I wanted to quit, I wanted to stop, but I didn't know how to do it on my own," Lang said. "So God did it for me."

Soon after, he spent a 90 day stay at Rob's Ranch, a Christ-based treatment center for men. During that stay, God broke him "in a good way." His mother sent him letters every day, and one day she shared a scripture with him. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future."

God used those words and the time at Rob's Ranch to heal him and call him to share his story as a ministry to others. He was later given the opportunity to lead Rob's Ranch through a transitional period. It grew in all facets and is now one of the most successful programs in the country.

"We need hope," Lang said. "Without hope, we have no chance to survive this fallen world."

Lang is currently the Executive Director of "Hope is Alive", a non-profit organization devoted to supporting men and women recovering from all types of addictions. Through this organization he provides addiction outreach, prevention and referral services to churches and businesses. He is a sought after speaker, successful blogger and marketing consultant for other non-profits. His blogs and website are read by thousands each week. For more information, visit Lance Lang's website.