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Sara Wilson to Hold Senior Art Show April 5-10

April 2, 2014

"The show is a collection of my favorite pieces from my time at OBU," explained Wilson.

The show will include various types of Wilson's work: paintings, photography, posters, package design, and various other graphic design works; many of the pieces are projects from previous classes.

"I began creating art in junior high, painting for my youth group, and I've had a passion for art ever since then," said Wilson.

Wilson's show will last from April 5-10 in the OBU Art Building, located in the southeast corner of OBU's campus. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, April 5 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Wilson was one of four students from OBU to win an Addy Award at the 48th Annual Addy Awards Gala on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Chevy Bricktown Events Center in Oklahoma City. The event was sponsored by the OKC AdClub, the Oklahoma City branch of the American Advertising Federation. She won a Silver Addy with her package design "Explorer Blends."

Wilson plans to graduate from OBU in May of 2014, and hopes to begin work with an ad agency or printing studio.

"My inspiration in creating new pieces is always to challenge myself and seek to develop my skills," said Wilson. "I will definitely use the valuable skills I have learned during my time at OBU."