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OBU Announces Fall Chapel Series Theme, Speakers

August 21, 2014

Jesus used parables to introduce his audience to the Kingdom of God. These parables serve to confront listeners with practical lessons, causing them to rethink their views. The parables of Luke not only serve as morality stories guiding Christians on how to live, but also paint perspective-altering pictures to show a kingdom different from everyday life.

Chapel services are held for students and the OBU community, challenging them to learn and grow in their faith. The series strives to let OBU students see treasure, neighbor, friend, family member and other "this world" designations through God's perspective. By revisiting stories students learned as children, they will be able to listen with fresh ears and embrace the parables as adults to transform the way they live their lives.

Kicking off the series Wednesday, Sept. 3, is Dr. Bobby Kelly, Dickinson Professor of Religion, elaborating on the theme interpretation for the semester. Other speakers in September include Dr. David Bebbington; Dr. Scott Pace, Johnson Hughes Chair of Christian Ministry; and Ed Stetzer, President, Lifeway Research Division. Speakers will teach the "Parable of the Mustard Seed," the "Parable of the Sower" and the "Parable of the Rich Fool."

Dr. Robert Smith, Jr., professor of preaching/divinity at Beeson Divinity School will lead off in October, followed by Dr. Louima Lilite, associate professor of music; Dr. Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; and Dr. Gary R. Habermas. October's messages include "The God of a Second Chance," the "Parable of the Great Dinner," the "Parable of the Lost Sheep and Coin" and the "Parable of the Prodigal Son."

The annual Hobbs Lecture will be held Wednesday, Oct. 29.

In November, John Meador, pastor of First Baptist Church of Euless, Texas; Blake Gideon, pastor of First Baptist Church of Edmond; and Dr. Fred Luter, pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church of New Orleans, Louisiana, will speak on the "Parable of the Widow and Unjust Judge," the "Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector" and the "Parable of the Ten Pounds."

For more information, call (405) 275-2850.