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C.S. Lewis Tour Planned for Summer

January 23, 2015

The tour visits places associated with Lewis' life in Belfast, Ulster and the north coast of Ireland. The tour then heads to Oxford, where it visits such Lewis sites as Magdalen College, the Eagle and Child Pub, and Headington Parrish Church, Lewis's final resting place.

Sanders led a similar trip four years ago and is once again excited for this opportunity. "The first [trip] was such a tremendous experience, I wanted to take another one. Aside from the remarkable sites and history found on the tour, I think good knowledge of Lewis' life and work is important for Christians called to the academic life."

The lead person for the tour in Belfast is Alexander "Sandy" Smith, author of the book "C.S. Lewis and the Island of His Birth." The book is largely based on his travels and the discoveries he unearthed while researching Lewis' life.

Smith is an author from East Belfast. From early in his life he pursued a passion for the work of C.S. Lewis. In recent years his tours following in the footsteps of Lewis around Belfast have attracted growing numbers of international visitors to the city.

"C.S. Lewis and the Island of His Birth" captures this insider knowledge in a beautifully illustrated book that details with photos and information the places throughout Ireland that stimulated Lewis' magical stories which inspired this trip.

Space is filling quickly, so Sanders encourages all who are interested to secure their spot right away. For information or reservations, email or call (405) 684-8241.