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'Roaring Biggie' Promises a Night of '20s Themed Fun

September 11, 2015

"Roaring Biggie" is directed by senior students Morgan Patterson, of Wichita, Kansas, and Jeanna Shea, of Claremore, Oklahoma.

"Jeanna and I chose the theme because we love the style of music that has its roots in this era," Patterson said. "The rest of CAB supported it because this time period is all about change: big, bold music; social progression; extravagant parties and an economic boom. It is a wonderful theme and we all basically fell in love with the idea of it."

The pre-show event will begin at 7 p.m., where attendees will prepare for a trip to a time where Louis Armstrong was making musical waves and the Charleston was taking the U.S. by storm.

"There will be a couple surprises on Raley's Lawn," said Patterson. "We'll be setting up a photo booth, so everyone needs to stop by and get their picture taken."

The doors to the chapel open at 7:30 for pre-show seating. Admission is free, so that all of the OBU community may experience the university's first variety show of the year.

"It is incredible to see everyone outside waiting to get in," said Shea. "Each year people from OBU and all over gather around Raley ready to see what CAB has to offer."

For each of the university's annual variety shows, CAB hosts auditions for the roles of emcees and performers more than a week in advance. The acts, emcees, directors and the rest of CAB then practice intensely to bring the community a spectacular night of comedy, music and performance.

"We have had so many people working so hard," said Patterson. "We are really proud of everything that has gone into this show. Putting on an event like this is not easy, and we owe it all to everyone involved in the process and, most importantly, the people who come to watch our show."

The emcees chosen for the show are responsible for writing and performing skits which occur between acts and performances by the in-house stage band. This year's emcees include seniors Ben Pollard, Meg Reeder and Matthew Welborn, as well as sophomores Elaina Nolan and Baylee Owen.

The show will open with a performance by the first of six acts, "Age of Innocence." The band features Katie Best, Mary Crone, Zander Holland, Iveth Luna and Trevor Schlosser. The act will be followed by a performance by "Georgetown," comprised of Drew Cranston, Hunter Doucette, Seth Getz and Collin Tanner.

A song and dance performance by Kayla Marshall will round out the first half of the show. There will be an intermission, giving attendees the chance to enjoy refreshments and mingle outside in a '20s inspired environment.

Following the break, "Lady and the Vamps," featuring Drew Bowsher, Ben Burke, Ryan Ellington, Kaleb Miears and Lydia Rea. The band "20 Somethings," featuring Nolan Cannon, Travis DeWall, Jacob Mayfield, James Walters, Matthew Welborn and Michael Wilson. "Roaring Biggie" will conclude with "Blake Randolph and the Oklahoma Kids," featuring the band's namesake accompanied by DeErika Givings, Zander Holland, A.J. Lopez and Kaleb Miears.

"We are very excited about this year's Biggie," Shea said. "We are certain that this will be a night to remember for everyone who attends."

CAB will host two more variety shows, Freshman Follies and Spring Affair, later in the school year.