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Student's Artwork to be Featured at 'Momentum Tulsa' Exhibit

September 17, 2015

While Wilson's piece, a self-portrait she created in a painting class during her spring semester, is an oil painting, the senior graphic design major from Del City, Oklahoma, says she is not picky when it comes to a choice of medium.

"I like using anything and everything," Wilson said. "I just love to create, so I use whatever works best for the project at hand. Recently, I've been doing a lot of ink illustrations for different graphic design projects that I am working on. I really enjoy making mixed media pieces as well."

Wilson's piece underwent a selection process by a jury before being accepted into the show for young artists. Likewise, she has also had two of her works featured in an exhibition in St. Paul, Minnesota, in recent years. However, some of her art has ended up closer to her college home at the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art in Shawnee.

"I have created billboards, banners, print ads, postcards, brochures, magnet designs, forms and flyers for the museum in its education department as well as for temporary exhibits, including Steve Hicks' exhibit."

More of Wilson's work has been appearing around town, including an identity system for Trinity Baptist Church's youth ministry and an in-progress design for OBU's newspaper, "The Bison."

"I'm working on a centennial logo for The Bison that combines their current logo with the words '100 Years of News' that they can use for this year," said Wilson.

Wilson's influences also have a local base, including her professors and time at OBU.

"I think I've really been influenced by Julie Blackstone and Chris Owens, both OBU art professors," she said. "They have really encouraged and challenged me as an artist both in and out of the classroom. My time at OBU has allowed me to have the opportunity to learn more about design and how art plays a part in graphic design."

Blackstone, assistant professor of art, spoke highly of Wilson and her art. "Erin is an incredibly talented and creative student, and she's definitely worthy of this recognition. Being accepted into Momentum is what most Oklahoma artists would consider 'the real deal.' It's truly an honor for her, because it's extremely competitive to have work accepted into this highly-regarded juried show."

"Her portrait is exquisite, and shows a maturity in technical ability and style that you wouldn't expect from a student," Blackstone said. "Erin has already had worked accepted in other shows, and I foresee many honors and accomplishments in this talented young woman's future.

For now, the senior has plenty on her plate as far as projects are concerned, but she also has plans for the future.

"I will keep on creating and keep trying new art mediums. I would like to continue weaving and painting as well as working as a graphic designer."

Learn more about the Momentum exhibit.