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Thompson to Present Art Show Themed “Come What May” April 29

April 27, 2016

OBU art major Tallie Thompson of Oklahoma City will debut her senior art show, “Come What May,” Friday, April 29 at 7 p.m. in the Art Building on the OBU campus in Shawnee. A reception honoring Thompson and her accomplishments will serve as the opening ceremony for the exhibit. The OBU community and public are invited to attend the free event. The show will run through May 6.

“’Come What May’ will include a detailed study of the human figure and the variances of personality, culture and habits of God’s most precious creation,” Thompson said. “I chose the title because it implies that even though we are all people from different backgrounds and eras, we don’t know what the future holds. All we can do is trust in Him through it all … come what may.” 

Thompson also sees a secondary meaning in the show’s theme.

“My show will open on April 29, a couple of days before the month of May and a couple of weeks before graduation. In this way, it symbolizes all the relationships I have made here at OBU and all of our lives as we move on into the ‘real’ world.”

Her exhibit primarily features charcoal drawings on paper, including some large-scale pieces. Thompson cites her professors and friends at OBU as motivation for much of her art. 

“I am constantly inspired by my professors and my peers here, especially those in the Art Building,” she said. “Not only are they extremely talented individuals, but they truly have a passion for the work they are doing. They do not have their own glory in mind, but the glory of our Savior. It is people like that, whom I have met at OBU, that have inspired me to make the subject of my show something as simple and broad as ‘people.’ Behind every face there is a story if you are willing to sit and listen to it.”

Thompson plans to continue her education at the University of Oklahoma, where she intends to study architecture.

“I would like to study Middle Eastern architecture specifically. If that doesn’t work out, I plan on working and living in Oklahoma City with friends and pursuing the possibility of going to seminary in the near future.”

A quote that she has relied on during this transitional period comes from a 19th century hymn by James Bowring, “Oh, let my trembling soul be still; And wait Thy wise, Thy holy will; I cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see; Yet all is well, since ruled by Thee.