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Blackstone’s Art Show ‘The Eighteen Day Deadline’ Runs Through October at OBU

October 5, 2016

Julie Blackstone’s art show is now available for viewing on the first floor of the Geiger Center on the campus of Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. Blackstone, assistant professor of art at OBU, titled her show, ‘The Eighteen Day Deadline,’ referencing the fact that she painted the pieces in an eighteen-day period.

“Two major genres in the show are still life food and portrait,” Blackstone said. “It's not difficult to be inspired by food. We all eat it and most of us enjoy it more than we should. It's fun to paint, and, unlike using live models, it doesn't move around during a painting session.”

“Painting portraits is always an enjoyable challenge. The ‘Selfie’ portrait is of my daughter and the ‘Smokey-eyed Girl’ is of my son's girlfriend.”

When asked why she believes art is important, Blackstone responded, “It might sound cheesy, but I cannot imagine a world without art. I don't think it would be bearable. You might as well ask me why breathing is important.”

Blackstone’s show, all painted on canvas with oils, will remain in the GC through October.