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How to Personalize Your MBA Experience at OBU

If you’re considering earning you Master of Business Administration, you may not realize that there is no “one size fits all” for an MBA program. At Oklahoma Baptist University, we believe there is more than one way to get the most out of an MBA program, and all students should have the opportunity to complete a curriculum that will best benefit their strengths, improve their weaknesses, and further their career path.

As you begin exploring your options for an MBA program, it is important to ask yourself these key questions:

Why do you want to earn your MBA?

While this may sound basic, it’s important to seriously consider your goals and initiatives before beginning the process of earning an MBA. Do you plan on changing careers once you earn the degree? Are you satisfied in your industry, but want to become more experienced and have the education to back it up? Depending on your answers, you may decide to pursue specialties in completely new areas of business or dive deeper into your current field.

What is your field of expertise?

An MBA program will expose you to the different facets of business, from leadership to  project management from international business to energy management. While you may be tempted to stay in an area that is comfortable for you, consider this: a successful business leader understands the many moving pieces of an organization, regardless of his or her specialty. It is beneficial to take advantage of opportunities to understand the many different areas of business, especially those that are unfamiliar.

OBU’s MBA program options

The first step when planning your MBA experience is to choose a program specialty. At OBU, we offer four program tracks:

  • Leadership
  • Project Management
  • International Business
  • Energy Management
  • Immersive MBA

To learn more about each of these tracks, visit our in-depth explanation of each MBA specialty.

OBU tailors programs for each student

Beyond choosing a specialty, you’ll want to choose an MBA program that will cater to your specific needs and goals. At OBU, we believe that no two students are alike, and we want to provide the best possible experience for participants to learn, grow and engage in the world around them.

One way we do this is through the individual customization of the MBA program. We will tailor the program to each student’s goals. Your studies at OBU can be shaped to fit your desired goals in either your present position or the position you have your eye on.

Many of our courses include projects, which can be tailored to fit the goals of the individual student. As a student, if you see an opportunity for a project to be tailored to your specific goals, be sure to ask your professors if you can modify the assignment to match your real-life experiences and initiatives.

While other universities may not be able to accommodate individual needs due to larger class sizes, our small classes allow our professors to understand and meet the needs of each student. Perhaps one of the most critical benefits of small class sizes is the ability to have one-on-one discussions and mentorship from our professors. From these relationships, our students often find benefits in referrals, friendships and future networking opportunities.

If you’re considering earning your MBA and are interested in learning more about how OBU can help you, contact us  today for more information.