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OBU’s Enactus Group Receives Women’s Empowerment Grant

November 21, 2016

OBU’s own “Entrepreneurs, Action and Us” (abbreviated “Enactus”) group received a $1,500 grant to complete their project focusing on women’s economic empowerment.

The group, a local chapter of the international Enactus organization, was formed to create sustainable economic assistance to those in need. Enactus is a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world.

Since their formation as a team, OBU’s Enactus has had a partnership with Project Safe, a local organization which houses battered and abused women and children that need a refuge from those who have hurt them. Currently, Project Safe gives these women a safe place to stay and some financial support.

The grant received is a ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ grant from the Enactus organization, funded by Walmart. The grant will be used to help OBU’s Enactus group acquire materials to provide the women from Project Safe job training that can empower them to become economically independent. Some of the areas in which the group is planning on giving trainings are customer service, management, social media marketing, resume building and personal finance. OBU’s Enactus also plans to create a marketing campaign around the community to expand Project Safe’s visibility so that more women can realize that there is a way out of an abusive relationship.

This is the second consecutive year OBU’s Enactus group has received this grant. Last year, the group used the money to help acquire new computers for the Project Safe shelter to give women access to technology and teach them the basics of how to use it.