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SGA Announces Election of 2017-18 Officers and Senators

April 6, 2017

The Student Government Association (SGA) at Oklahoma Baptist University held its annual election Wednesday, April 5, to decide officers and senators for the coming year. Voting opened following the annual Hyde Park Chapel, where those running for the top offices had a chance to address the student body.

Hunter Doucette was re-elected as student body president. Zach Fisher was elected to serve as SGA vice president of external affairs, while Savannah Payne was elected as SGA vice president of internal affairs.

Senior class president will be A.J. Lopez while Connelly Rader will serve as vice president. Senior class senators will include Will Engle, Blaine Whitson, Hayden Heath, Nick Dingus and Collin Tanner.

Junior class president will be Ashley Berkey, with Casey House serving as vice president. Junior class senators include Benjamin Penazek, Jonathan Frank, Joshua Taylor and Jonathan Ball.

The sophomore class president will be Chad Jordan and the vice president will be Megan Kalinowski. Sophomore senators include Nathan Floyd, Tim Duncan, Cameron Veal, Hudson Payne and Seongmin Moon.

For more information on SGA, visit