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Take Advantage of OBU’s Guaranteed $5,000 Scholarship for 2017-18 School Year

April 7, 2017

We believe every student who wants to attend Oklahoma Baptist University should have the opportunity. For this reason, we work hard to provide students with the best aid possible. Nearly 100 percent of students receive some type of scholarship or financial aid, paving the way for students to pursue the education they desire. 

As students go through ACT/SAT testing season, this is the opportune time to begin applying to colleges and evaluating the financial aid offers they receive.  In 2016, we announced an exciting new change for all incoming freshmen — a guaranteed scholarship of $5,000 per year beginning Fall 2017.

How do you qualify for this $5,000? It’s simple!



If you’re interested in learning more, you can read more about the $5,000 scholarship opportunity or contact us today and schedule a campus visit.